Friday, July 13, 2012


I am taking an online class called 21 Secrets. One of the first workshops I took was Child's Play by Alma Stoller. She shows how to make your own canvases with cardboard, newspaper and mod podge. I have felt compelled to make these little canvases for the last few months. And I mean compelled! I have at least twenty five little things here by my fan, in different stages of completion. This project suits my ADD!  I think somewhere in the back of my mind I know I am going to open an etsy store some day soon.... So I decided I better start painting these babies!
That's what I've been doing the last few days. Layers upon layers.
 Paint. Stamps. Ink. Words. Fun.
Art is Fun.
What I would like to do is make a piece and give it to my future daughter in law as a shower gift in a couple weeks. But it is hard to make something with meaning for a young couple just starting out.
A new life... a new home... a new routine.
Melding two lives into one.
Two styles...Different tastes.
Maybe I will let them choose?

I made it so it can hang easily. These velcro strips are genius!

Be Brave Dear Ones. Just Go For it!


  1. LOVE these!!! Darn, I wish we could spend a weekend together again soon!!! The last quote about having power is so, so good.

  2. Love, love, love...and ditto what Lynn said...wish we could do a weekend together! I took a class in person with Alma and she is great!

  3. adorable works of art...all just waiting for a wonderful home :) And...'art is fun' should make it look so ~wow~

  4. Love these Mom -- I know I said it this last weekend, but you should most definitely open an ETSY store :)

    Love you!
