Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Second Floor Challenge

 I enjoyed taking the Second Floor Challenge yesterday.
Luckily for me, there were some thunderstorms that rolled through our area.
 I always unplug my quilt machine during storms.
So, guilt free, I made a mess at my art table.
The challenge was *use 3 different stamps*
Easy Peasy.
I even carved a simple arrow stamp from an eraser.
Julie does a lot of that, and one of these days
I will take her online stamp carving course to improve my skills...
The way I understand it....
the SFChallenge is meant to push you...
to get you thinking a different way....
to challenge your creative bone.
So I did one....
and then another.
 This first one began a long time ago.
Sometimes when I have mod podge all over my hands
I just keep going with it.
I have a pile of paper ephemera...
newspaper words, numbers, sayings, photocopies, phonebook pages,etc
that I tear out when the mood strikes
and I modpodge those kinds of things on my journal pages.

 Then sometimes I will have paint all over my hands and I will
go through those journal pages with things modpodged all over them
and I will paint them.
They are just layers, my dears.

 My second offering. Different colors. Different message.
This one had no paper ephemera glued down on it.
Just stamps. And Neocolor II crayons.

I love this stuff.
Art really did save me.
Be Brave and Carry on.

1 comment:

  1. love both your pages!! I also use your process of glue, glue, glue, then paint, paint, paint... I really like how you incorporated the stamps into the background of your second page- they add lots of depth and interest.
