Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Documented Life Project Weeks 32 & 33

 Here is Week 32 of my DLP....
The challenge was to incorporate a fortune from a fortune cookie.

Don't you think we make our own fortunes? 
Life just doesn't 'happen' to you....
It's how we act and react to what happens to us
that makes us who we are.
Attitudes and Choices....

I sewed some lace on the edge of this one...
just to change things up a bit.
Great Texture!!

Week 33
The challenge here was to use your 'under paper' in a creative way.

What is under paper?
For me it is the paper that lays on my table that I work on
so my art table doesn't look like it went through a paint ball war.

You can guess I have been totally distracted.
My grand baby is due the end of the week which is also
my 34th wedding anniversary.
So much has been going on this summer
and we are totally excited to welcome a new baby into our family!

Happy Arting!

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